Minutes of the 26th AGM held at Royal Plymouth Corinthian Yacht Club on November 24th, 2018.
Representatives of the following boats: Windwhistle, Duchess, Poppin, Summertime, Shara of York, Vivacious, Sixpence, Khadine, Shebeen, Balu, Sula, Campion of Yealm
- Apologies: Gancia Girl, Matui, Arabesque, Blavinge, Happy Hour, Schonbrunn, Variety, Kotuku, Bandit
- Minutes of the 25th AGM were circulated and agreed.
- Matters Arising:
- Janie was asked to continue following up on those that had not responded to the GDPR agreement request. – Action: Janie
- Mick Pindar was thanked for all the work he has done over many years on the Ballad website, which had to be moved, as Serif were no longer supporting websites.
- Balu and Vivacious reported that there had been no participants for the Trebeuden Race, and it was suggested that they might like to initially organise a simple cruise in company to Fowey, or meet in Salcombe to sail to Guernsey.
- Report by Secretary and Treasurer:
- Janie reported an excellent Winter Dinner at Saltash Sailing Club with an interesting presentation by Chris and Katie Jackson. Polo shirts had been ordered and delivered.
- Subs were up thanks to the newsletter and GDPR request, and finances remained similar to before.
- Report by Webmaster: The website has been transferred to a new base in WordPress. A request was made for a volunteer willing to keep the website updated.
- Report by Newsletter Editor: Tim and Liz Clark were thanked for the enjoyable newsletter. They currently have three articles for another newsletter, and asked for more cruising contributions.
- Chairman’s report:
- Tim Burne commented on a lower turnout at the excellent Championships hosted by Yealm Yacht Club. A new name (Kimberly Noakes) would now be on the trophy. Once more there were no entries to the White Sail Class.
- Plymouth Race Week will be 30th May to 2nd June, and a Ballad class would be welcome. Clarification was sought whether this was in addition to PPSA Regatta. – Action: Catherine Noakes
- A new Handicap System (VPRS) involving a £20 measurement fee will be introduced in addition to the NHC system, for Plymouth racing. Coastal racing will generally be ORC Cat 4, rather than 3, in future.
- Election of Officers for 2019:
- Chris Tyrrell and George Whetman were happy to continue on the Committee. No one has come forward to join the Committee in place of Catherine Noakes.
- Tim Burne is in the process of selling Poppin and would like to stand down as Chairman, but is willing to continue until a successor can be established. Janie continues as Secretary/Treasurer, but would be happy for anyone to take on this role.
- It was agreed to keep Subscription Rates at £6 per boat, and £5 for ex-owners.
- Arrangements are in place for Royal Cornwall Yacht Club to host the 2019 Championships over the weekend 26th – 28th May, with mooring at Falmouth Haven. Chris Davis will be Race Officer.
- 2020 Championships: It was agreed that Royal Dart Yacht Club (Dartmouth) will host the Championships, and Mark Simpson offered to help with coordination.
- AOB: None.
- Date of future AGM. To be notified.